Harvey County Elected Officials and Districts
Updated : 1-13-2025
Federal Offices
President of the United States
Joe Biden - D
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Phone: 202-456-1111
Website: www.whitehouse.gov
The President is elected in the fall of even numbered presidential election years (2016, 2020, etc.) to a 4-year term.
US Senators - Kansas
Jerry Moran - R
US Senate
521 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-6521
Website: www.moran.senate.gov
Roger Marshall - R
US Senate
Russell Senate Office Building,
Suite 479A
2 Constitution Ave NE
Washington, DC 20002
Phone: 202-224-4774
Website: www.marshall.senate.gov
4th US Congressional District
Ron Estes - R, Wichita
US House of Representatives
2234 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-6216
Website: estes.house.gov
All of Harvey County
Senators are elected in the fall of even numbered years to 6-year terms (staggered elections - 1 position elected in 2014, 2020, etc. and the other elected in 2016, 2022, etc.) Representatives are elected to 2-year terms in the fall of even numbered years.
State Offices
Website: http://www.kansas.gov
Kansas Governor
Laura Kelly - D, Topeka
Office of the Governor
State Capitol
300 SW 10th Ave., Suite 241S
Topeka, KS 66612
Phone: 877-579-6757
Website: governor.kansas.gov
Email: governor@ks.gov
Kansas Secretary of State
Scott Schwab - R, Overland Park
Memorial Hall, First Floor
120 SW 10th Ave.
Topeka, KS 66612
Phone: 785-296-4564
Website: sos.kansas.gov
Kansas Attorney General
Kris Kobach - R, Lecompton
Memorial Hall, Second Floor
120 SW 10th Ave.
Topeka, KS 66612
Phone: 785-296-2215
Website: ag.ks.gov
Kansas State Treasurer
Steven Johnson - R, Assaria
900 SW Jackson, Suite 201
Topeka, KS 66612
Phone: 785-296-3171
Web: www.kansasstatetreasurer.com
Kansas Commissioner of Insurance
Vicki Schmidt - R, Topeka
1300 SW Arrowhead Rd.
Topeka, KS 66604
Phone: 785-296-3071
Click on District Name for a District Map
72nd KS Representative District
Avery Anderson - R, Newton
State House, Room 561-W
Kansas House of Representatives
Topeka, KS 66612
Phone: 785-296-2361
Email: avery.anderson@house.ks.gov
Newton City
Sedgwick City
Darlington Township
Macon Township East
Newton Township - A-G 72
Pleasant Township
Richland Township
Sedgwick Township East
74th KS Representative District
Mike King - R, Hesston
State House, Room 167-W
Kansas House of Representatives
Topeka, KS 66612
Phone: 785-296-7500
Email: mike.king@house.ks.gov
Burrton City
Halstead City
Hesston City
North Newton City
Walton City
- Alta Township
Burrton Township
Emma Township
Garden Township
Halstead Township
Highland Township
Lake Township
Lakin Township
Macon Township West
Newton Township - A-B 74
Sedgwick Township West
Walton Township
31st KS Senatorial District
Stephen Owens - R, Hesston
State House, Room 441-E
Kansas Senate
Topeka, KS 66612
Phone: 785-296-7377
Email: stephen.owens@senate.ks.gov
All of Harvey County
KS Board of Education District 7
Dennis Hershberger - R, Hutchinson
8812 S Halstead St.
Hutchinson, KS 67501
Phone: 620-931-7459 (cell)
Email: dhershberger@ksde.org
All of Harvey County
KS Judicial District 9
Chief Judge - Marilyn Wilder
District Court Judge -
John B. Klenda
District Court Judge -
Jason Lane
District Court Judge -
Michael Llamas
District Magistrate Judge (MP) -
Amanda Faber
District Magistrate Judge (HV) -
Joseph Uhlman
Harvey County District Court
800 N Main, PO Box 665
Newton, KS 67114
Phone: 316-284-6824
Clerk of the District Court - Eric Whedbee
Website: https://www.kscourts.org/About-the-Courts/District-Courts/Districts/9th-Judicial-District
All of Harvey County
All of McPherson County
State officers are elected in the fall of even numbered non-presidential election years (2018, 2022, etc.) to 4-year terms, except State Representatives which are elected to 2-year terms in the fall of even numbered years. Judges are voted on for retention each 4 years in the fall of even numbered years.Â
County Offices
Harvey County Courthouse
800 N Main, PO Box 687
Newton, KS 67114
Website: http://www.harveycounty.com
County Administrator: Vacant
1st Commissioner District
Becky Reimer - R, Newton
Chairman - 2024
Phone: 620-869-1711
Email: breimer@harveycounty.com
Newton City:
1st Ward - 1st Precinct
1st Ward - 2nd Precinct
3rd Ward - 1st Precinct
3rd Ward - 2nd Precinct
3rd Ward - 3rd Precinct
3rd Ward - 4th Precinct
Walton City
Highland Township
Walton Township
Newton Township
Pleasant Township
Richland Township
2nd Commissioner District
Terry Scott - R, Newton
Phone: 316-284-6806
Email: rhague@harveycounty.com
Newton City:
1st Ward - 3rd Precinct
2nd Ward - 1st Precinct
2nd Ward - 2nd Precinct
4th Ward - 1st Precinct
4th Ward - 2nd Precinct
4th Ward - 3rd Precinct
4th Ward - 4th Precinct
North Newton City
County Treasurer
Becky Fields - R
Phone: 316-284-6980
Email: bfields@harveycounty.com
Register of Deeds
Raquel Langley - R
Phone: 316-284-6950
Email: rlangley@harveycounty.com
Click on District Name for a District Map
3rd Commissioner District
Don Schroeder - R, Hesston
Phone: 620-727-7789
Email: dschroeder@harveycounty.com
Burrton City
Halstead City
Hesston City
Sedgwick City
Alta Township
Burrton Township
Darlington Township
Darlington Township North
Emma Township
Garden Township
Halstead Township
Macon Township
Lake Township
Lakin Township
Sedgwick Township
County officers are elected to 4-year terms in the fall of even numbered presidential election years (2016, 2020, etc.), except the 1st Commission district which is elected in the fall of even numbered gubernatorial years.Â
Chad Gay - R
Phone: 316-284-6960
Email: cgay@harveycounty.com
County Clerk
Rick Piepho - R
Phone: 316-284-6840
Email: rpiepho@harveycounty.com
City Offices
203 N Burrton Ave., PO Box 100
Burrton, KS 67020
Phone: 620-463-4545
Fax: 620-463-2076
Website: burrtonkansas.com Email: burrton@outlook.com
City Clerk: Kim Ryan
Mayor - Missy Ducimetiere (apt. 2024, exp 2026)
Council members
Andy Hooser (apt. 2024; exp 2028)
Joshua Greenhaw (exp 2026)
Scott Meyer (exp 2028)
Tonya Hornback (apt. 2024; exp 2026)
Greg Robinson (exp 2026)
303 Main St., PO Box 312
Halstead, KS 67056
Phone: 316-835-2286
Fax: 316-835-2377
Email: cityclerk@halsteadks.com
City Manager: Ethan Reimer
City Clerk: Julie Wait
​Mayor - Dennis Travis (2 yr - exp 2026)
Council members
Josh Homewood (exp 2026)
Charles M. Robinson (exp 2028)
George Torres (exp 2028)
​ James VanSchaick (exp 2026; appt 4-22-24)
Shawna Will (2 yr - exp 2026)
115 E. Smith, PO Box 100
Hesston, KS 67062
Phone: 620-327-4412
Fax: 620-327-4595
Email: Jason@hesstonks.org
City Administrator: Gary Emry
City Clerk: Jason Thrasher
Mayor - David Kauffman (exp 2026)
Council members
Larry E. Fuqua (exp 2028)
F.C. (Clare) Moore (exp 2028)
Susan Swartzendruber (exp 2028)
Brad Unruh (exp 2026)
Michael Wallace (exp 2026)
201 E. 6th St., PO Box 426
Newton, KS 67114
Phone: 316-284-6015
Fax: 316-284-6090
Website: www.newtonkansas.com
Email: dduerksen@newtonkansas.com
City Manager: Daniela Rivas
City Clerk: Denise Duerksen
​ Rod Kreie- Mayor (exp 2025)
Richard Stinnett - Vice Mayor (exp 2027)
Leroy Koehn(exp 2025)
Kathy Valentine - (exp 2027)
Melanie Watson (2 yr - exp 2025)
North Newton
2601 N. Main St., PO Box 87
North Newton, KS 67117
Phone: 316-283-7633
Fax: 316-283-6660
Website: www.northnewton.org
City Administrator: Bradley Harris
City Clerk: Pat Redding
Mayor - Ron Ratzlaff (exp 2028)
Council members
Dennis Campbell (exp 2026)
Gregg Dick (exp 2026)
Kurt Friesen (exp 2028)
Mark Jenkins (exp 2026)
Marissa Murphy (exp 2028)
511 Commercial Ave., PO Box 131
Sedgwick, KS 67135
Phone: 316-772-5151
Fax: 316-772-5592
Website: www.cityofsedgwick.org
Email: agee@cityofsedgwick.org
City Administrator: Kyle Nordick
City Clerk: Sheila Agee
Mayor - A. Bryan Chapman​ (exp 2026)
Council members
Brenda DeHaven (exp 2028)
Daniel Hartman (exp 2026)
Monty Leonard (exp 2028)
Joshua N. Liby (exp 2028)
Kramer Siemens (exp 2026)
122 Main St., PO Box 200
Walton, KS 67151
Phone: 620-837-3252
Fax: 620-837-3203
Email: cityofwalton@pixius.net
City Clerk: Stephanie Ashby
Mayor - Barry Wentz (exp 2026)
Council members
Chris Deschner (exp 2028)
Michael Hiebert (exp 2026; appt 8-25-24)
Cole Nickel (exp 2026)
Janet E. Wentz (exp 2028)
Tony Wheeler (exp 2028)
City officers are elected in the fall of odd numbered years to 4-year terms, unless specified.
Terms are staggered so either 2 or 3 members are elected each odd numbered year. (Term expiration year shown after each member name)
School Districts
USD 369 - Burrton
105 E. Lincoln, PO Box 369
Burrton, KS 67020
Phone: 620-463-3840
Fax: 620-463-2636
Website: burrton.usd369.org
Superintendent: Kara Schwindt
Board of Education members
Nicole Kirk (exp 2028)
Craig Lang (exp 2028)
William Klein (exp 2026)
Karl Matlack (exp 2026)
Angela Penner (exp 2028)
Anthony Schmitt (exp 2026)
Emily VinZant (exp 2028)
USD 373 - Newton
308 E. 1st St.
Newton, KS 67114
Phone: 316-284-6200
Fax: 316-284-6207
Superintendent: Fred Van Ranken
Board of Education members
Vacant (exp 2026)
Ian Reid Anderson Long (exp 2028)
Mallory Morton (exp 2028)
Andy Ortiz (exp 2026)
Melissa Schreiber (exp 2028)
Dayna Steinmetz (exp 2026)
Ericia Stevens (exp 2028)
USD 439 - Sedgwick
400 W. 4th, PO Box K
Sedgwick, KS 67135
Phone: 316-772-5783
Fax: 316-772-0274
Superintendent: Dr. Rae Niles
Board of Education members
Paulette Ware - Position 1 (exp 2028)
Wade Hansen - Position 2 (exp 2028)
Lori Kasney - Position 3 (exp 2028)
Travis Francis - Position 4 (exp 2026)
Bryan Thompson - Position 5 (2026)
Beth Fields - Position 6 (exp 2026)
Shawn Chapman - Position 7 (exp 2028)
USD 440 - Halstead
520 W 6th St.
Halstead, KS 67056
Phone: 316-835-2641
Fax: 316-835-2305
Superintendent: Ron Barry
Board of Education members
Steve Ratzlaff - Position 1 (exp 2029)
Zachary Mabry - Position 2 (2028)
Shawn Kohr - Position 3 (exp 2028; appt. 10-24)
Joy Hoofer - Position 4 (exp 2026)
Tim Boese - Position 5 (exp 2026)
Bill Drake - Position 6 (exp 2026)
Jennifer Linton - Position 7 (exp 2028; appt. 10-24)
USD 460 - Hesston
150 N. Ridge Rd., PO Box 2000
Hesston, KS 67062
Phone: 620-327-4931
Fax: 620-327-7157
Website: www.hesstonschools.org
Superintendent: Kevin Logan
Board of Education members
Phil Diller (exp 2028)
Layne Frick (exp 2026)
Ben Hershberger (exp 2028)
Sara Jantz (exp 2026)
Susan Lamb (exp 2028)
Jerry Mininger (exp 2028)
Susan Rostetter (exp 2026)
School Board members are elected in the fall of odd numbered years to 4-year terms.
Terms are staggered so either 3 or 4 members are elected each odd numbered year. (Term expiration year shown after each member name)
Other Elected Officials
Township Officers - Trustee, Treasurer & Clerk
There are 15 townships in Harvey County. Each township has three officers: Township Trustee, Township Treasurer & Township Clerk. Township officers are elected by electors of each respective township, excluding 1st & 2nd class city residents. Township officers are elected to 4 year terms. Township Trustee & Treasurer are elected in the fall of even numbered presidential years (2016, 2020, etc.). Township Clerk is elected in the fall of even numbered gubernatorial years (2018, 2022, etc.)
Click here for a PDF list of all Harvey County Township Officers
Click here for a Harvey County township map
Precinct Committee
There are 41 precincts in Harvey County. Each precinct can have 1 Committeeman & 1 Committeewoman per political party. Precinct committeepersons are elected by electors of each respective precinct & political party. Precinct committeepersons are elected to 2 year terms at the August primary election in even numbered years .
Click here for a PDF list of Democratic Precinct Committeemen & Committeewomen
Click here for a PDF list of Republican Precinct Committeemen & Committeewomen
Click here for a file with individual maps of all precincts in Harvey County
Little Arkansas River Drainage District
The three board members for the Little Arkansas River Drainage District are elected by electors of the drainage district to 4 year terms in the fall of the odd numbered years following the presidential years (2017, 2021, etc.).
LAR Board members
David E. Friesen - 515 East St, Halstead, KS 67056 - 316-215-5414
Kent Mayfield - 1020 S Hertzler Rd, Halstead KS 67056
San Nikkel - 16415 W Dutch Ave, Moundridge KS 67107 - 620-747-0660