Official Results - USD 460 Special Bond Election - August 30, 2022
19 Provisional ballots canvassed on September 6, 2022; 12 counted & 7 not counted
Statistics = 3,153 total registered voters in district, 1,589 ballots cast (50.4%)
USD 460 Bond Election
Tuesday, August 30, 2022
Special Election for Voters in USD 460 (Hesston) Only
The polling location for all Election Day voters in USD 460 is:
Kingdom Life Church, 505 S Ridge Rd. in Hesston Kansas (polls open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.)
Ballot Questions:
Shall the following be adopted?
Shall Unified School District No. 460, Harvey County, Kansas (Hesston), issue general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $33,475,000, to pay the costs to: (a) construct, equip and furnish additions and make renovations to the existing Hesston High School to consolidate high school and middle school grade levels into one facility, which shall include a new 2-story addition for educational and support spaces, a new Fine Arts wing including auditorium, a new Physical Education gymnasium, renovations to the existing building to include new classrooms and locker rooms, roofing and finishes, and improvements to HVAC and electrical infrastructure; (b) raze a portion of the existing high school building to create space for the new construction; (c) make all other necessary improvements appurtenant thereto (collectively the “Project”); and (d) pay costs of issuance and interest on said general obligation bonds of the District during construction of the Project; all pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 10 101 et seq., K.S.A. 25 2018(f), K.S.A. 72 5457, and K.S.A. 72 5458 et seq.?
Total "YES" votes - 800
Total "NO" votes - 789